What are all the countries which US has sent troops till today???
Val Vil Ori
2006-04-01 04:37:58 UTC
What are all the countries which US has sent troops till today???
Seven answers:
2006-04-01 04:39:21 UTC
Vietnam,Iraq only !!

i think atleast

and let's not forget bombing Japan
2006-04-01 18:35:54 UTC
Current Troop Deployments: Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Djibouti, Egypt, South Korea, Japan, Diego Garcia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, Germany, U.K., Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Turkey, Iceland, Serbia, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, Greenland, Macedonia, Krygyzstan, Georgia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Cuba (Guantanamo Bay), Honduras, Canada, and there are some military personnel elsewhere, such as Colombia.

History-wise, just about everywhere.

The most interesting ones are probably the covert operations and coups, which include: Chile, Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, Greece, Brazil, Guyana, Bolivia, El Salvador, Cambodia-Laos, Argentina, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Crotia, and Pakistan.

During the 19th Century: the short list: Tripoli, Mexico, the Marquesas, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Algiers, Greece, Falkland Islands, Indonesia, Argentina, Peru, Fiji, China, Ivory Coast, Turkey, Japan, Uruguay, Paraguay, Angola, Taiwan (Formosa), and a few others already listed.

During the Twentieth Century: Syria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Soviet Union (During WWI), Bermuda, St. Lucia, Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad, British Guiana, Iceland, Italy, Palestine, Congo, Cyprus, Chad, Peru, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Macedonia, Central African Republic, Albania, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Sudan, East-Timor, Yemen, Cote d'Ivoire, Lebanon, Vietnam, Grenada, Libya, Somalia, and Kuwait, as well as many already listed.

A lot of countries show up on all the lists. The better question is where hasn't the U.S. sent troops until today?
2006-04-01 12:44:45 UTC
The list of countries that the US has NOT sent troops to would be much shorter.


Many African countries

A few caribbean countries

The rest the US has probably sent troops there for one reason or another.
2006-04-01 12:47:41 UTC

vietnam,germany,(most of Europe)afganistahn,irac.kuweit,japan,philepines,

lots of pacific islands,

there must be more cant remember of hand,

probably are some secret missions as well

that the people dont know about

you did say until to day, do you mean ever ,then you can include Mexico as well
2006-04-01 16:41:44 UTC
I vote for Chillin. Wow! What about pre WWI.
2006-04-01 14:56:04 UTC
I think Chillin said it ALL!!!!!!!!
2006-04-01 12:47:09 UTC
Oh my god, I was going to ignore this one, but the first respondent is so far off the mark I had to answer:

World War I

* Albion (1917) — German capture of Oesel, Dago and Moon Islands (now Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Muhu)

* Hush planned Allied amphibious landing on the Belgian coast.

* Kaiserschlacht ('Kaiser's battle') (1918) — German Spring offensive using armies released from the Eastern Front.

o Blucher-Yorck (1918) —

+ Gneisenau (1918) —

o Georgette (1918) —

o Michael (1918) —

* Strafexpedition (Punitive Expedition) (1916) — operation by the Austro-Hungarian Army against Italy (Italian northern front): the largest mountain battle fought in human history.


World War II



Excluding Mediterranean

* Canned (1940) — naval bombardment of Banda Alula, Italian Somaliland

* Ironclad (1942) — The Battle of Madagascar

* Menace (1940) — seaborne Free French and British attack on Dakar, French West Africa (Senegal)

* Supply (1941) — Allied anti-submarine naval patrol off Madagascar


Atlantic Ocean

Includes North Sea, Arctic convoys and actions against naval vessels in harbour

* Alacrity (1943) — Allied naval patrols around Azores

* Berlin (1941) — Atlantic cruise of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau

* Catechism (1944) — final RAF air attack on Tirpitz

* Croquet (1944) — Allied anti-shipping off Norway

* Cupola (1945) — British anti-shipping operation off Norway

* Deadlight (1945) — postwar scuttling of U-boats

* Domino (1943) — second aborted Arctic sortie by Scharnhorst, Prinz Eugen and destroyers

* Doppelschlag ("Double blow") (1942) — German anti-shipping operation off Novaya Zemlya by Admiral Scheer and Admiral Hipper

* Drumbeat ("Paukenschlag" ("Beat of the Kettle Drum")); "Second Happy Time]") (1942) — German U-boat campaign against shipping off the United States east coast

* EJ (1941) — British anti-shipping operation off Norway

* Foxchase (1945) — British anti-shipping operation off Norway

* Fronttheater (1943) — first aborted Arctic sortie by Scharnhorst, Prinz Eugen and destroyers

* Goodwood I, II, III & IV (1944) — sequence of 4 carrier-borne air attacks on Tirpitz

* Holder (1943) — British special naval transport to Murmansk

* Husar (1943) — cancelled German anti-shipping operation in Kara Sea by Lutzow

* Mascot (1944) — failed carrier-borne air attack on Tirpitz

* Nordseetour (1940) — first Atlantic operation of Admiral Hipper

* Obviate (1944) — RAF air attack on Tirpitz

* Ostfront (1943) — final operation of Scharnhorst to intercept convoy JW-55B

* Paderborn (1943) — third and successful transfer of Scharnhorst and destroyers to Norway

* Potluck (1944) — Allied anti-shipping patrol off Norway

* Paravane (1944) — RAF air attack on Tirpitz

* Planet, Brawn, Tiger Claw and Mascot (1944) — cancelled carrier-borne air attacks on the Tirpitz

* Posthorn (1944) — British naval air attack on shipping off Norway

* Regenbogen ("Rainbow") (1942) — failed German attack on Arctic convoy JW-51B, by Admiral Hipper and Lutzow

* Rheinübung ("Exercise Rhine") (1941) — planned German attacks on Allied shipping conducted by Bismarck and Prinz Eugen

* Rösselsprung [1] ("Knights Move") (1942) — German naval operation (including Tirpitz) to attack Arctic convoy PQ-17

* Roundel (1945) — British convoy escort to Murmansk

* Source (1943) — British X class submarine (midget submarine) attacks on German warships based in Norway

* Sportpalast (1942) — aborted German naval operation (including Tirpitz) to attack Arctic convoys PQ-12 and QP-8

o Zauberflöte ("Magic Flute") (1942) — return of damaged Prinz Eugen from Trondheim to Germany

* Stonewall (1943) — Allied operation to intercept blockade runners in the Bay of Biscay

* Tungsten (1944) — carrier-borne air attack on Tirpitz

* Wikinger (1940) — foray by German destroyers into the North Sea

* Wunderland (1942) — German anti-shipping operation in Kara Sea by Admiral Scheer



* Alpha (1944) — improvement of the defences of Kunming against Japanese threats

* August Storm (1945) — Soviet invasion of Manchuria and other Japanese occupied territories

* Ichigo (1944) — Japanese campaign in eastern China to secure overland routes to Indo-China and airfields

* Matterhorn — establishment of bases for US B-29 bomber aircraft


Eastern Front

European operations involving the Soviet Union.

* Aster (1944) — German withdrawal from Estonia

* Bagration (1944) — Large-scale Russian offensive against German forces in Belorussia

* Barbarossa (1941) — German invasion of the Soviet Union

o Haifisch ("Shark") (1941) — deception operation for Barbarossa, feinting an attack on Scotland and north-east England from Norway

o Harpune ("Harpoon") (1941) — deception operation for Barbarossa, feinting an attack on southern England from France

o Taifun ("Typhoon") (1941) — German autumn offensive to capture Moscow before winter.

* Beowulf I & II (1941) — two separate German plans to assault the Estonian islands of Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Muhu

o Nordwind (1941) — Diversionary plan for Beowulf II

+ Lel (1941) — sub-plan of Nordwind

+ Nau (1941) — sub-plan of Nordwind

+ Stimmung (1941) — sub-plan of Nordwind

o Siegfried (1941) — German assault on Hiiumaa

+ Ost (1941) — sub-plan of Siegfried

+ Mitte (1941) — sub-plan of Siegfried

+ West (1941) — sub-plan of Siegfried

o Sodwind (1941) — Diversionary plan for Beowulf II

o Weststurm (1941) — German naval bombardment in support of Beowulf II

o Westwind (1941) — Diversionary plan for Beowulf II

* Blau ("Case Blue") (1942) — German offensive in the southern Soviet Union

o Blücher (1942) — German campaign into the Caucasus

o Edelweiss (1942) — German advance through the Caucasus to the Baku oil fields and Black Sea coast

o Kremlin (1942) — German deception operation to conceal southern offensive

* Braunschweig 1 ("Brunswick") (1942) — German offensive towards Stalingrad and the Caucasus

o Fischreiher ("Heron") (1942) — German offensive to capture Stalingrad

* Delphin ("Dolphin") (1944) — German withdrawal from Saaremaa, Estonia

* Donnerschlag ("Thunderclap") (1942) — planned breakout of the German 6th Army from Stalingrad

* Eisenhammer (1943) — plan to destroy Soviet power generators in Moscow and Gorky (not the same as Iron Hammer)

* Eisstoss (1942) — Luftwaffe operation against Soviet warships near Leningrad

* Feuerzauber ("Fire Magic") (1942) — planned German capture of Leningrad

* Frühlingserwachen ("Spring Awakening") (1945) — German counterattack against Soviet forces in Hungary

* Keelhaul (1945) — forced repatriation to the Soviet Union, by the western Allies, of Soviet prisoners of war

* Kutuzov (1943) — Russian attack on German 2nd Panzer Army, north of the Kursk salient

* Laura (1944) — proposed German evacuation of Courland

* Lyuban (1942) — failed Soviet attempt to relieve Leningrad.

* Margarethe (1944) — German operation to keep Hungary from defecting

* Mars (1942) — failed major Soviet offensive against Rzhev salient

o Jupiter (1942) — second phase of failed major Soviet offensive against Rzhev salient

* Nordlicht [1] ("Northern Lights") (1942) — planned German assault on Leningrad

* Polkovodets Rumyantsev (1943) — Russian attack on German positions south of the Kursk salient.

* Saturn (1942) — Proposed major Soviet attack following the Stalingrad enciclement; adapted to become Operation Little Saturn.

* Prague Offensive (1945) the last major battle of the Eastern Front. During the operation Prague was liberated.

* Sinyavino (1941) & (1942) — separate failed Soviet attempts to relieve Leningrad

* Sonnenwende ("Winter Solstice") (1945) — German offensive to relieve Pomerania from Russian forces and halt advance on Berlin

* Spark (1943) — successful Soviet counter-offensive around Leningrad

* Uranus (1942) — successful Russian encirclement of German 6th Army in Stalingrad.

* Wintergewitter ("Winter Storm") (1942) — German attempt to relieve encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad.

* Zitadelle ("Citadel") (1943) — German counteroffensive at Kursk


Mediterranean Sea

Naval operations and land operations in bordering regions.

* Achse ("Axis") (1943) — German responses to Italian defection

o Alarich (1943) — German plan to occupy northern Italy (see also Achse)

* Adler ("Eagle") (1943) — German and Croation anti-partisan operation on the Dalmatian coast

* Aida (1942) — Rommel's advance into Egypt

* Agreement (1942) — British, Rhodesian and New Zealand raids on several North African targets

o Daffodil (1942) — Tobruk raid

o Hyacinth (1942) — Barce raid

o Snowdrop (1942) — Benghazi raid

o Tulip (1942) — Jalo oasis recapture

* Anvil (1944) — Allied invasion of Southern France. Name later changed to Dragoon

* Alpenveilchen ("Alpine Violet"} (1941) — planned German intervention in Albania

* Avalanche (1943) — Allied landings near Salerno, Italy

o Boardman (1943) — deception operation for Avalanche

* Battleaxe (1941) — Failed British attack on Axis forces in North Africa to relieve Tobruk

* Baytown (1943) — Allied landings in Calabria, Italy

o Slapstick (1944) — British landings at Taranto

* Begonia (1943) — airborne part of attempted British POW rescue in Italy

* Brevity (1941) — British capture of Halfaya Pass, Egypt

* Candytuft (1944) — SAS operation to destroy rail bridge between Pesaro and Fano

* Capri (1943) — counter-attack by Afrika Korps at Medenine, Tunisia

* Cold Comfort (1945) — Cold Comfort/Zombie failed SAS raid to block railway through Brenner Pass

* Collar (1940) — convoy from Gibraltar to Malta and then to Egypt.

* Colossus (1941) — experimental airborne raid on Italian aqueduct near Calitri in southern Italy

* Compass (1940) — British counteroffensive in North Africa

* Corkscrew (1943) — Allied occupation of Pantellaria

* Crossword (1945) — negotiations leading to German surrender in Italy

* Crusader (1941) — British relief of Tobruk

* Diadem (1944) — Successful Allied assault on German Gustav Line defences in Italy.

o Strangle (1944) — Allied bombing of German supply lines, in preparation for operation Diadem.

* Dragoon (1944) — Allied landing in southern France

o Dove — gliderborne component of Dragoon

o Span — deception operation in support of Dragoon

* Driftwood (1944) — failed raid on rail targets north of Rome

* Encore (1945) — Allied assault on mountain positions in Italy

* Excess (1941) — Malta convoy

* Exporter (1941) — Allied invasion of Vichy-controlled Syria

* Felix (1940–41) — planned German invasion of Gibraltar

* Fustian (1943) — British airborne capture of a bridge on Sicily

* Gertrud — planned German response in case Turkey joined the Allies

* Gisela — second German response plan in case of British invasion of Iberian peninsula

* Guillotine (1941) — transfer of troops to Cyprus

* Guillotine (1943) — Allied advance from Cyrenaica to Tripolitania

* Gymnast — early name for Operation Torch

* Halberd (1941) — Malta convoy from Gibraltar

* Harpoon (1942) — Malta convoy from Gibraltar

* Herbstnebel 2 (1944) — rejected proposal to withdraw German troops in Italy behind the Po River

* Herkules (1942) — planned Axis airborne invasion of Malta

* Husky (1943) — Allied invasion of Sicily

o Chestnut 1943 — SAS raid supporting Sicily invasion.

o Ladbroke (1943) — British glider landing near Syracuse, Sicily

o Mincemeat (1943) — Disinformation operation prior to the invasion of Sicily

o Narcissus (1943) — British SAS raid on a lighthouse in Sicily

* Isabella (1941) — German plans for operations on the Iberian peninsula should the Soviet Union collapse.

o Ilana (1942) — amended Isabella

o Gisella (1942) — Isabella renamed

o Nurnberg (1943) — third and final German plan in case of Allied landings in the Iberian peninsula

* Jonquil (1943) — seaborne part of attempted British POW rescue in Italy (see also: Begonia)

* Judgement (1940) — British air attack on Italian fleet in Taranto harbour

* Lightfoot (1942) — first attack by the British and Australians at El Alamein

o Bertram (1942) — deception operation in preparation for the Second Battle of El Alamein

o Supercharge (1942) — second stage attack by British and New Zealanders at El Alamein

* Lustre (1941) — Allied reinforcement of Greece

* Marita (1941) — German invasion of Greece

* Merkur ("Mercury") (1941) — German invasion of Crete

* Mittelmeer (1940–1941) — German reinforcement of Regia Aeronautica in Mediterranean

* Morgenrote ("Dawn") (1944) — German counterattack against Anzio landings

* Nurnberg (1943) — third and final German response plan in case of an Allied invasion of the Iberian peninsula

* Pedestal (1942) — Allied convoy from Gibraltar to Malta.

* Portcullis (1942) — convoy from Alexandria to Malta

* Pugilist (1943) — Allied attack on Mareth Line and advance to Sfax

* Roast (1945) — action by British Commandos at Comacchio lagoon, north east Italy

* Saxifrage (1942) — four parties from 2 SAS to destroy the railway line between Ancona and Pescara

* Shingle (1944) — Allied landings at Anzio

o Baobab (1944) — SAS operation to destroy rail bridge between Pesaro and Fano

o Chettyford — deception plan to support Shingle

o Pomegranate (1944) — SAS raid in support of Shingle

* Slapstick (1943) — British landings at Taranto, Italy

* Sonnenblume (Sun Flower) — movement of German troops (Afrika Korps) to North Africa as a result of the British Compass

* Speedwell (1945) — Behind enemy lines operation by the British Special Air Service to disrupt rail communications in northern Italy.

* Stone Age (or: Stoneage) (1942) — Malta convoy from Alexandria

* Substance (1941) — Malta convoy

* Sunrise (1945) — negotiations leading to German surrender in Italy

* Theseus (1942) — German offensive to drive Allies out of Cyrenaica and Egypt

* Tiger (1941) — Malta convoy

* Tombola (1945) — SAS raid in Italy

* Torch (1942) — Allied landings in French Morocco and Algeria

o Blackstone (1942) — US assault on Safi, Morocco

o Brushwood (1942) — US assault on Fedala

o Goalpost (1942) — US assault on Port Lyautey (now Kenitra)

o Reservist (1942) — failed Allied attack on Oran

* Vigorous (1942) — Malta convoy from Alexandria

* Vulcan (1943) — Final Allied assault on Axis forces trapped around Tunis.

* Zombie (1941) — Operation Cold Comfort, renamed


Pacific Ocean

* A-Go (1944) — Japanese plan to engage and destroy the US Fleet during the Saipan landings

* AL (1942) — Japanese invasion of the western Aleutians

* Cartwheel (1943) — Allied thrusts in the South West Pacific Area, aimed at isolating the major Japanese base at Rabaul.

o Chronicle (1943) — Allied landings at Woodlark Island and Kiriwina, New Guinea in support of Cartwheel

* Cleanslate (1943) — US landings on the Russell Islands

* Cottage (1943) — US and Canadian operation to recapture Kiska in the Aleutians

* Cyclone (1944) — US airborne landings on Noemfoor, Dutch New Guinea

* Detachment (1945) — US invasion of Iwo Jima

* Downfall (1945) — planned invasion of Japan

o Olympic (planned for 1945, not executed) — first of two prongs of the invasion of Japan

o Coronet (planned for 1946, not executed) — second of two prongs of the invasion of Japan

* Ferdinand (1942) coast-watchers on Japanese-occupied islands

* Flintlock (1944) — US assault on Marshall Islands.

o Catchpole (1944) — US invasion of Eniwetok

o Hailstone (1944) — naval air attack on Truk

* Forager (1944) — US assault on Marianas Islands.

* Galvanic (1943) — US assault on Gilbert Islands.

* I (1943) — major Japanese air offensive to halt Allied advances on New Guinea and Guadalcanal

* Iceberg (1945) — US invasion of Okinawa

* Inmate (1945) — British and New Zealand naval bombardment of Truk

* Juneau (1945) — US minesweeping operations at Okinawa.

* K-1 (1942) — Japanese reconnaissance and air-raid on Pearl Harbor

* KA (1942) — Japanese plan to destroy the US Fleet and recapture Guadalcanal

* KE (1943) — Japanese evacuation of Guadalcanal

* KE-GO (1943) — Japanese evacuation of Kiska, Aleutians

* Ketsu-Go (Decisive) (1945) — Japanese plans to counter US led invasion of Japan

* MO (1942) — aborted Japanese invasion of Port Moresby in New Guinea

* PM (1945) — removal of defensive minefield off Auckland, New Zealand

* Sandcrab (1943) — US operation to recapture Attu in the Aleutians

* Sho-Go (1945) — Japanese naval reaction to US invasion of Leyte

* Starvation (1945) — American aerial mining of Japanese ports and waterways.

* Stalemate (1944) — US assault on Peleliu and Palau Islands

* Ten-Go (1945) — Japanese naval sortie to defend Okinawa.

* Vengeance (1943) — The assassination of Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

* Watchtower (1942) — U.S. invasion of Guadalcanal

* Z (1941) — the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor


Resistance Movements

* Anthropoid (1942) — Czech-British assassination of top Nazi Reinhard Heydrich in Prague.

* Braunschweig ("Brunswick") (1944) — German anti-partisan action in Istria

* Burza ("Plan Burza", "Operation Tempest") (1944) — a series of local uprisings prepared by the Polish Home Army

* Canuck (1945) — SAS operation near Turin to train and organise Italian resistance fighters.

* Carpetbagger (1943) — US airdrops to several national Resistance forces

* Delphin ("Dolphin") (1943) — German anti-partisan action on central Dalmatian islands

* Eisbär ("Polar bear") (1943) — German counter-landings on Kos

* Feuerzange (1944) — German action against Dalmatian Islands in the Adriatic

* Ozren (1941 & 1942) — two attempts to suppress partisans in Ozren region, Bosnia, Yugoslavia

* Ratweek (1944) — combined air (Balkan Air Force} and ground (Yugoslav partisans) attack on German transport and airfields in Yugoslavia

* Risnjak (1942) — Italian counter-partisan operation in coastal Croatia and Montenegro, in occupied Yugoslavia

* Rösselsprung ("Knights Move") (1944) — German attempt to capture Josip Broz Tito

* Schwarz (1943) — German counter-partisan operation in occupied Yugoslavia

* Trio (1942) — Axis counter-partisan operation in southern Bosnia, in occupied Yugoslavia

* Weiss (1943) — German counter-partisan operations in occupied Yugoslavia


South and South East Asia

Iran, India, Burma, Malaya and Indo-China, and the Indian Ocean

* Canned (1944) — search and destroy operation for German supply tanker

* Cockpit (1945) — Allied naval airstrike on Sabang, Sumatra

* Culverin (1943) — Proposed allied invasion of northern Sumatra

* Countenance (1941) — Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran

* Crimson (1945) — British naval airstrike and bombardment of Sabang, Sumatra

* Dracula (1945) — British amphibious assault on Rangoon, Burma.

o Bishop (1945) — covering operation for Dracula

* Diplomat (1944) — Allied exercise in preparation for joint operations against the Japanese

* Dukedom (1945) — British search and destroy operation for Japanese cruiser Haguro

* Ha-Go (1944) — Japanese action to isolate and destroy Anglo-Indian forces in Burma

* Jaywick (1943) — Anglo-Australian attack on Japanese shipping in Singapore harbour

* Krohcol (1942) — British move into Thailand to pre-empt expected Japanese action

* Matador (1941) — Planned British pre-emptive move into Siam from Malaya

* Sleuth (1944) — pursuit of German commerce raider in Indian Ocean

* Struggle (1945) — destruction of IJN cruiser Takao in Singapore harbour, using midget submarines

* Talon (1945) — British capture of Akyab island and construction of supply airbase in support of Burma campaign.

* Transom (1944) — Allied naval air raid on Surabaya, Java

* U-Go (1944) — Japanese assault on Imphal and Kohima

* Zipper (1945) Planned British seaborne landing in Malaya.

o Slippery (1945) deception operation for Zipper



Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

* Alphabet (1940) evacuation of British troops from Norway

* Archery (1941) — British commando raid on VÃ¥gsøy, Norway

o Anklet (1941) — raid on German positions on Lofoten Islands, Norway

* Birke ("Birch") (1944) — German plan to withdraw from northern Finland prior to the Lapland War

* Birkhahn ("Black Cock") (1945) — German withdrawal from Norway

* Büffel (1940) — German operation to relieve troops in Narvik, Norway.

* Catherine (1939) British plan to gain control of Baltic Sea

* Claymore (1941) — British raid on Lofoten Islands, Norway

* Freshman (1942) — attempted raid on a Norwegian heavy water plant at Vemork, see Gunnerside

o Grouse (1942) — Norwegian guide party for Freshman

o Gunnerside (1943) — 2nd raid on a Norwegian heavy water plant at Vemork

* Gauntlet (1941) — raid on Spitzbergen

* Ikarus (1940) — planned German invasion of Iceland

* Juno (1940) — German naval operation to disturb allied supplies to Norway.

* Jupiter (1942) — suggested invasion of Norway

* Lachsfang (1942) — Proposed combined German and Finnish attack against Kandalaksha and Belomorsk.

* Musketoon (1942) — British/ Norwegian destruction of a power station in Norway

* Nordlicht [2] ("Northern Lights") (1944) — German withdrawal from the Kola Peninsula into Norway

* Renntier ("Reindeer") (1941) — German occupation of Finnish Petsamo

* Silberfuchs ("Silver Fox") (1941) — German operations in the Arctic, including:

o Blaufuchs 1 ("Blue Fox 1") (1941) — Staging of German forces from Germany to northern Finland.

o Blaufuchs 2 ("Blue Fox 2") (1941) — Staging of German forces from Norway to northern Finland.

o Platinfuchs ("Platinum Fox") (1941) — German attack towards Murmansk from Finnish Petsamo

o Polarfuchs ("Polar Fox") (1941) — German attack towards Kandalaksha from Finnish Lapland

o Renntier ("Reindeer") (1941) — German occupation of Petsamo.

* Sizilien (1943) — German raid upon allied occupied Spitzbergen (Svalbard)

* Tanne Ost (1944) — failed German attempt to capture Suursaari from Finland

* Tanne West (1944) — planned German attempt to capture the Åland Islands from Finland

* Weserübung ("Weser Exercise") (1940) — German invasion of Denmark and Norway

o Weserübung Nord ("Weser Exercise") (1940) — German invasion of Trondheim and Narvik

o Weserübung Sud ("Weser Exercise") (1940) — German invasion of Bergen, Kristiansand and Oslo

* Zitronella (1943) — German raid against a Norwegian/British station on Svalbard.

* Norwegian military operations abroad


Western Front

Western Europe, by year

* Fall Rot ("Case Red") (1935) — German defense plan in case of an incursion by France when Czechoslovakia is invaded



* Project Catherine



* Aerial (1940) — British and Allied evacuations from French ports between Cherbourg and the Spanish border

* Ambassador (1940) — British commando raid on Guernsey

* Attila (1940) — German seizure and occupation of Vichy France, without Italian support

* Cycle (1940) — British and Allied evacuation from Le Havre

* Dynamo (1940) — British evacuation from Dunkirk

* Adler ("Eagle" in English) (1940) — German effort to destroy the RAF prior to invasion, which gave rise to the Battle of Britain

* Fall Gelb ("Case Yellow") (1940) — German offensive against western Europe

* Granit (Granite) German paratrooper attack on Eben Emael

* Grün [2] ("Green") (1940) — decoy invasion of Ireland in conjunction with Seelöwe

* Herbstreise ("Autumn Journey") (1940) — decoy invasion of Scotland

* Mondscheinsonate ("Moonlight Sonata") (1940) — German aerial raid on Coventry

* Seelöwe ("Sea Lion") (1940) — planned German invasion of Britain

o Adler ("Eagle") — German air offensive known to history as the Battle of Britain

o Grün [2] ("Green") (1940) — decoy invasion of Ireland in conjunction with Seelöwe

o Herbstreise ("Autumn Journey") — decoy invasion of Scotland in conjunction with Seelöwe.



* Artur ("Arthur") (1941) — German plan to support IRA activities

* Savannah (1941) — Free French attempt to ambush and kill Luftwaffe pathfinder pilots in France



* Anton (1942) — Nazi-German occupation of Vichy France during World War II: Attila renamed, with Italian support.

* Basalt (1942) — British raid on Sark

* Biting (1942) — Commando raid on radar site in France

* Cerberus (1942) — escape of German capital ships from Brest to home ports in Germany (Channel Dash)

* Chariot (1942) — British raid on Saint Nazaire

* Clawhammer (1942) — planned commando raid on a radar site in France

* Frankton (1942) — commando raid on shipping port in France

* Jubilee (1942) — unsuccessful large scale British and Canadian raid on Dieppe (northern France) starting on August 19, 1942. Successor to Operation Rutter.

* Millennium (1942) — British 1000 bomber raid on Cologne.

* Rutter (1942) — planned British and Canadian raid on Dieppe, northern France, in July 1942. Abandoned due to unfavourable weather conditions and revived as Jubilee.

* Sledgehammer (1942) — Allied contingency plan for capture of Cherbourg or Brest in 1943 (shelved)

* Sledgehammer (1942) — planned Allied landings in France



* Bolero (1943/1944) — build-up of US forces and materiel in Britain in preparation for D-Day

* Chastise (1943) — British air attack on German dams (the "Dambuster" raid}

* Constellation (1943) — one of several proposals to liberate the Channel Islands

o Condor (1943) — proposal to liberate Jersey

o Concertina (1943) — proposal to liberate Alderney

o Coverlet (1943) — proposal to liberate Guernsey

* Gomorrah (1943) British air attack on Hamburg.

* Project Habbakuk (1943) — project to construct an aircraft carrier out of ice

* Hydra (1943) — RAF bombing of Peenemünde on the night of 16/17 August.

* Roundup (1943) — alternative invasion contingency plan to Sledgehammer



* Bluecoat (1944) — Anglo-Canadian advance to the River Vire to hamper German redeployment

* Charnwood (1944) — Canadian assault on Caen

* Chastity (1944) — unexecuted plan to liberate port facilities in Quiberon Bay, southern Brittany

* Cobra (1944) — American breakout from Normandy

o Dunhill (1944) — SAS operations in Normandy to support Cobra

* Constellation (1944) — occupation of Venraij and Venlo by the British VIII Corps

* Defoe (1944) — SAS patrols in Normandy

* Diver (1944) — Defence of London against V-1 attack.

* Epsom (1944) — British assault west of Caen, Normandy

* Goodwood (1944) — British breakout attempt from Normandy

o Pomegranate (1944} — preparation for Goodwood

* Operation Herbstnebel 1 (1944) — unused alternative to Wacht am Rhein

* Houndsmith (1944) — large SAS patrol near Dijon to disrupt German supply routes

* Infatuate (1944) taking of Walcheren Island, third and final phase of the Battle of the Scheldt.

* Jericho (1944) — precision air-raid on Amiens prison to release French Resistance prisoners

* Kitten (1944) — British and Canadian advance to the Seine.

* Lost (1944) — British raid on Brittany

* Loyton (1944) — unsuccessful large SAS patrol in Vosges mountains

* Market Garden (1944) — Allied airborne attempt to cross the lower Rhine

* Nelson (1944) — cancelled SAS patrol in France

* Newton (1944) — Free French SAS raid in Burgundy, France

* Overlord (1944) — Allied landings in Normandy

o Bodyguard — overall deception plan, including:

+ Ferdinand (1944) —

# Skye

+ Fortitude (1944) — two deception operations to mislead over location of landings

+ Glimmer (1944) — feint attack towards Pas de Calais

+ Hambone (1944) — also known as Copperhead

+ Jael

+ Quicksilver

o Bolero (1943/1944) — build-up of US forces and materiel in Britain in preparation for D-Day

o Chicago — American airdrop in Normandy

o Cooney (1944) — Free French SAS raid in St Malo area, France

o Detroit — American airdrop in Normandy

o Dingson — Free French commando raid

o Mulberry (1944) — creation of safe anchorages using block ships

o Jupiter — British attack to occupy and hold Hill 112, near Caen

o Lüttich — German counter-offensive at Mortain

o Neptune — landing phase of Overlord

+ Accumulator (1944) — diversionary naval operation near to the Channel Islands

+ Bravado (1944) — mine-laying around Kiel Canal to inhibit German naval reaction

+ Gambit (1944) — use of X-Craft midget submarines as navigation beacons off Sword and Juno beaches

+ Maple — Allied naval minelaying operations to inhibit German naval reaction

o Postage Able (1944) — landing beach surveys using X-Craft and divers

o Spring — Canadian attack on high ground, south of Caen

o Sussex — insertion of French OSS operatives into France to report German troop movements

o Tonga — British airdrop in Normandy, east of the River Orne

* Pegasus (1944) — Allied rescue of troops after failure of Market Garden

* Pluto (1944) — construction of undersea oil pipelines between England and France

* Queen (1944) — aerial close-support operation in Hurtgen Forest, east of Aachen

* Switchback (1944) taking of Breskens pocket, first phase of the Battle of the Scheldt.

* Tiger (1944) — Allied training exercise prior to D-Day, near Slapton, England

* Totalize (1944) — Allied effort to trap German armor in Normandy

* Tractable (1944) — continuation of Totalise to close the Falaise pocket

* Vitality (1944) taking of South Beveland, second phase of the Battle of the Scheldt.

* Wacht am Rhein ("Watch on the Rhine") (1944) — German counteroffensive in the Ardennes (in Belgium, Luxembourg and France); the Battle of the Bulge

o Greif ("Grab") (1944) — German troops disguised as Allied soldiers during Battle of the Bulge

o Stösser (1944) — airborne drop in support of the Wacht am Rhein



* Amherst (1945) — British airborne raid in the Netherlands

* Bodenplatte ("Baseplate") (1945) — German aerial attack on 27 Allied airbases

* Goldflake (1945) — 1 Canadian Corps moves from Italy to northwest Europe under command of Canadian First Army

* Grenade (1945) — US Ninth Army crossing of the Roer (see also Veritable)

* Plunder (1945) — British crossing of the Rhine

o Archway — SAS operation to support Plunder

o Varsity — airborne crossing in conjunction with Plunder

* Schneeman (1945) — German attempt to open a second front in Holland

* Veritable (1945) — Canadian First Army crossing of the Roer (see also Grenade)

* Schneeman (1945) — German attempt to open a second front in Holland

* Nordwind ("North Wind") (1945) — German attempt to open a second front in Alsace



* Arcadia (1941) — Washington Conference between FDR and Winston Churchill

* Argonaut (1945) — linked sequence of conferences

o Cricket (1945) — pre-Yalta Conference at Malta between FDR and Winston Churchill

o Magneto (1945) — Yalta Conference between FDR, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill

* Eureka (1943) — conference between FDR, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Tehran

* Octagon (1944) — conference between FDR and Winston Churchill at Quebec to discuss Morgenthau Plan

* Quadrant (1943) — conference between FDR and Churchill at Quebec

* Riviera (1941) — FDR/ Churchill conference at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland

* Sextant 1 (1943) — conference between FDR, Winston Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek at Cairo

* Sextant 2 (1943) — conference between FDR, Winston Churchill and Ä°smet Ä°nönü (Turkish President) at Cairo

* Symbol (1943) — conference between FDR, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle at Casablanca

* Terminal (1945) — conference between FDR, Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam

* Trident (1943) — third Washington conference between FDR and Churchill



* III Most (1944) — transfer of captured V-2 components from occupied Poland to Britain

* Alsos (1940–1945) — Allied efforts to gather information about German nuclear fission developments

o Harborage (1945) — US sweep up of German atomic assets ahead of French occupation

* Aphrodite (1944) The use of B-17 bombers as radio-controlled missiles.

* Backfire (1945) — British launches of captured V-2 rockets

* Beethoven (1941–1945) — German programme to develop composite aircraft (Mistel)

* Hawkeye (1944) — US Naval radar research

* Lusty (1945) — US actions to capture German scientific documents, facilities and aircraft

* Magic — US operation to break Japanese codes

* Manhattan Project (1941–1945) — American program to build an atomic bomb

* Prüfstand XII (194?) — German programme to develop submarine launched V-2

* Paperclip (1945) — part-military, part-scientific operation to scoop up Nazi scientists, engineers, experiments, prototypes, data, etc., after WWII

* Ultra — Intelligence gained by the British from cracking German Enigma coded messages.


Miscellaneous and Unclassified

* 25 (1941) — Axis invasion of Yugoslavia

* Bernhard (194?) — German plan to destroy British economy using forged British banknotes

* Catapult (1940) — Royal Navy actions to seize, disable or destroy the French fleet after France's surrender.

* Cornflakes (1945) — American clandestine insertion of propaganda into the German mail system

* Eiche ("Oak") (1943) — German rescue from custody of Benito Mussolini

* Eskimo (1944) — Canadian American joint winter exercise to develop winter warfare tactics, Saskatchewan, Canada.

* Fall Grün ("Case Green") (1938) — the German invasion of Czechoslovakia

* Fall Weiss ("Case White") (1939) — German invasion of Poland

* Foxley (1944) — a plan to kill Adolf Hitler that was never carried out

* Frantic (1943) — The use of Soviet airfields by western Allied bombers.

* Gaff (1944) — attempt to kill Erwin Rommel

* Grün [1] ("Green") (1938) — the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia

* Magpie (1944) — landings of German agents on the US east coast

* Magic Carpet (1945–1946) — American post-war operation to transport US military personnel home

* Pastorious (1942) — separate landings of German agents on the US east coast

* Peking (1939) — removal of Polish warships to Britain, in advance of German invasion

* Pied Piper (1939) — evacuation of children from British cities

* Regenbogen (1945) — rescinded order to scuttle Kriegsmarine

* Reinhard (1943) — German actions against Polish Jews in the "General Government"

* Tabarin (1943) — British Antarctic expedition

* Tannenbaum — The planned German invasion of Switzerland.

* Tannenberg (1939) — German actions to exterminate influential and leading Poles

* Valkyrie (1944) — bomb plot to kill Hitler

* Venona (1943) — US efforts to break Soviet diplomatic codes


See also

* Expansion operations and planning of the Axis Powers

* List of World War II conferences

* Operations lists


Cold War Era

* Agatha (1946) — British attack on Hagana and Irgun in Palestine

* Ajax (1953) — Anglo-American plan for coup in Iran

* Anadyr — Soviet plan to base nuclear weapons in Cuba; the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis

* Arc Light — US B-52 bombing campaign in Vietnam

* Operation Anvil (1954) — British counter-insurgency operation in Nairobi during the Mau Mau Uprising

* Argus (1959) — test of nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere.

* Askari (1983) — South African attack on SWAPO and FAPLA forces in Angola.

* Attila (1974) — Turkish invasion and occupation of northern Cyprus

* Balak (1948) — smuggling of arms to Israel

* Blowdown (1963) — Australia/US/UK simulated nuclear explosion in a rain forest.

* Carnation (1981) — South African skirmishes with SWAPO forces along the Angolan border.

* Carlota (1977) — Cuban Deployment to counter South African attacks to Angola.

* Chromite (1950) — U.S. invasion of Inchon during the Korean War.

* Claret (1964) — British patrols into Indonesia

* Dingo (1977) — Rhodesian attack on camps in Mozambique.

* El Dorado Canyon (1986) — US strikes against Libya

* Earnest Will (1987-88) — American protection of Kuwaiti oil tankers in the Persian Gulf during the Iran-Iraq War

o Praying Mantis (1988) — U.S. retaliates against Iran for mining frigate.

o Prime Chance (1987-88) — Special operations to protect Kuwaiti tankers, run largely from barges in the northern Persian Gulf.

* Entebbe (1976) — Israeli rescue operation at Entebbe, Uganda. Later renamed Jonathan

* Evening Light (1980) — U.S. attempt to rescue embassy hostages in Tehran

* Fortune — 1951 CIA plan for a coup in Guatemala. Executed as Success

* Gold (1954) — covert American tunnel under the Berlin Wall

* Golden Pheasant (1988) — U.S. deployment in Honduras

* Horev (1948) — Israeli attack in northern Israel

* Jonathan (1976) — Israeli rescue of hostages at Entebbe, Uganda

* Jock Scott (1952) — British rounding up of suspected insurgents at the beginning of the Mau Mau Uprising

* Just Cause (1989) — U.S. invasion of Panama

o Acid Gambit — Rescue of Kurt Muse.

o Bushmaster — Security operations near US facilities.

o Sand Flea — rehearsal for Just Cause.

* Klipklop (1980) — South African disruption of SWAPO logistics in Angola.

* Litani (1978) — Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

* Meebos (1982) — South African destruction of SWAPO's "East Front" HQ at Mupa, Angola.

* Mongoose (1962) — plan for information gathering, sabotage, civil insurrection and the overthrown of the Cuban government.

* Mount Hope III (1988) — covert recovery of a crashed Soviet-made helicopter from Africa.

* Neptune (1964) Soviet-led counterintelligence operation.

* Nimrod (1980) — rescue of hostages in the Iranian embassy, London

* Northwoods (1960s) — plan to incite war between the United States and Cuba.

* Nuclear testing List of all known named nuclear tests.

* Orion (1960) — DARPA project to design a nuclear pulse propulsion system

* Paul Bunyan (1976) UN removal of a tree in the Korean DMZ

* Peter Pan (1960s) — transfer of Cubans to the U.S.

* Phoenix (1983) — South African response to mass SWAPO infiltration of South-West Africa

* Power Pack (1965) — U.S. deployment in the Dominican Republic

* Protea (1981) — South African attack on SWAPO bases near Ongiva and Xangongo, Angola.

* Provide Comfort (1991) — relief effort in northern Iraq

* Reforger Annual American exercise to REturn FORces to GERmany

* Rekstok (1979) — South African attack on SWAPO bases in Angola.

* Restore Hope (1992) — American name for UNITAF, humanitarian intervention in Somalia

* Reindeer (1978) — South African airborne attack on SWAPO base at Cassinga, Angola.

* Safed Sager (1971) Indian Air Force operations in Indo-Pakistani War.

* Savannah (1975-76) — South African intervention in Angola in support of the FNLA.

* Safraan (1979) — South African attack on SWAPO bases in Zambia.

* Sealords (1968) — Mekong River delta and inland waterways campaign by the US Navy in Vietnam

* Sceptic (1980) — South African attack on SWAPO bases in Angola.

* Silver (1949) — covert British communications tap in Austria

* Success — 1954 CIA coup in Guatemala.

* Suzannah (1954) — Israeli plan to bomb American interests in Egypt

* Urgent Fury (1983) — U.S. invasion of Grenada

* Berlin Airlift of 1948:

o Vittles — U.S. part of the Berlin Airlift

o Planefare — British part of the Berlin Airlift


Post-Cold War



* Anaconda (2002) — U.S. sweep in Afghanistan

* Apollo (2002) — the Canadian Navy's operations in support of United States forces in Afghanistan

* Athena (2003) — Canadian Forces contribution to ISAF in Kabul.

* Enduring Freedom (2001-present) — U.S. led invasion of Afghanistan

o Anaconda — U.S. effort to capture al Qaeda members and Talibans in Afghanistan

o Apollo — the Canadian Navy's operation in support of the United States forces in Afghanistan

o Asbury Park — U.S. offensive into southern Afghanistan

o Athena (2003) Canadian Forces contribution to ISAF in Kabul.

o Avalanche (December 2003) — U.S.-led offensive of Afghanistan

o Haven Denial (July 2003) — U.S. and Italian operation against Taliban remnants and Al Qaeda fighters in southeast Afghanistan

o Headstrong (2003) — British special forces secretly training Afghan commandos to seek out and destroy drug labs

o Lightning Resolve (launched August 2004) — involving thousands of troops to protect the Afghan presidential elections on October 7

o Mountain Resolve (launched on November 7, 2003) — U.S.-led operation in Nurestan and Konar provinces, Afghanistan

o Mountain Viper (late August, 2003) — U.S.-Afghan attack on suspected Taliban forces in Zabul province, Afghanistan

o Nibbio — (March 15 - September 15, 2003) Italian code name for Enduring Freedom

o Slipper — the Royal Australian Navy's contribution to the invasion of Afghanistan

o Warrior Sweep (July 23, 2003) — first major military operation of the Afghan National Army

* Sparviero — Italian Army contribution to ISAF in Kabul

* Veritas (2001) — UK overall operation in Afghanistan

o Ptarmigan - 45th Commando Operation

o Operations Snipe, Condor, Buzzard - more 45th commando operations.



* Sharp Edge (1990-91) — evacuation of Americans from Liberia

* Deliverance (1993) — Canadian mission to Somalia

* Albatros (1993-94) — Italian contribution to UN peace keeping mission in Mozambique (UNOMOZ)

* Silver Back (1994) — International codename for civilian evacuation in Rwanda

o Ippocampo (1994) — Italian codename for Italian civilians evacuation from Rwanda

o Entebbe (1994) — Italian codename for Rwanda refugees rescue

* Operation Boleas (1998) — South African military intervention in Lesotho

* Addition (2000) — Canada's contribution to the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)

* Barras (2000) British SAS destruction of a rebel group in Sierra Leone.

* Caravan (2003) — Canadian contribution to the French-led Interim Emergency Multinational Force in the Democratic Republic of Congo

* Amphibian (2001) — South African deployment to the DRC and Rwanda of observers to verify implementation of the Pretoria Agreement

* Tanker Two (2002) — South African Navy mission to shadow Greenpeace's MV Esperanza and prevent interception of the Pacific Teal, a plutonium transport

* Espresso (2002) — South African contribution to the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)

* Fibre (2003) — South African mission to Burundi

* Mistral (2003) — South African contribution to the Mission of the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC)

* Murambatsvina (2005) Zimbabwe government's attack on residental district loyal to opposition groups.

* Shining Express (2003) — evacuation of Americans from Liberia

* Montego (2003) — South African contribution to United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)

* Phillis (2004) — evacuation of British citizens from Côte d'Ivoire

* Cordite (2004) — South African observer mission to the African Union mission in Darfur

* Nilo (2005) — Italian name for UN peace keeping mission in Sudan (UNMIS)

* Teutonic (2005) — SANDF assistance to DRC transitional government


Arab/Israeli Conflict

* Nickel Grass (1973) — American airlift to Israel

* Litani (1978) — Israeli first invasion of Lebanon

* Peace for Galilee (1982) — Israeli second invasion of Lebanon

* Rainbow — Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip in 2004.

* Shevet Ahhim — 2005 Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip.

* Clearance of the Suez Canal in 1974:

o Nimbus Moon

o Nimbus Spar

o Nimbus Star

o Nimbus Stream

o Moon Water


Croatian War of Independence 1991-1995

* Operation Otkos 10 (end Oct-Nov 1991) — Croatian liberating actions against rebel Serbs and regular Serbian forces on area from mountain Bilogora to mountain Papuk (on west of Slavonia)

* Harmony — Canada's contribution to the United Nation Protection Force (UNPROFOR), which was created in February 1992 to ensure the protection and demilitarization of three UN Protected Areas in Croatia

* Operation Tigar (July 1992) — Croatian liberating actions in occupied Dubrovnik hinterland, held by Serbomontenegrian regulars

* Bljesak ("Flash") (March 1995) — Croatian offensive against rebel Serbs, with aim of liberating occupied western Slavonia

* Medački džep (September 1993) Croatian liberating offensive against rebel Serbs with aim of relieving the city of Gospić from Serb shelling attacks (rebel Serb artillery forces shifted shelling actions from military to terrotistic)

* Oluja ("Storm") (August 1995) — Croatian major liberating offensive against areas under control of rebel Serbs.


War in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995

* Operation Neretva 93 (1993)

* Operation Maestral (September 1995)

* Operation Južni potez (October 1995)

* Joint Force (1998) — NATO operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Kosovo War 1999

* Megaphone — Canada's return of equipment used in Kosovo

* Potkova ("Horseshoe") (1999) — Yugoslav army offensive against the KLA

* Quadrant — Canada's mission in Kosovo


War in Macedonia

* Essential Harvest (2001) — month-long NATO mission of disarming ethnic Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia

o Forage — Canadian contribution to NATO's Essential Harvest

* Kinetic — Canada's contribution to NATO's mission KFOR to secure Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and to provide humanitarian needs to displaced persons

* Echo — Canada sending air forces to Aviano, Italy to enforce a no-fly zone over Balkan region (UNSFOR and UNKFOR)


Falklands War

* Rosario — Argentine invasion

o Algeciras — Planned Argentine sabotage raid.

* Corporate — British liberation

o Black Buck — British long-range bombing raid

o Canbelow — British antiaircraft naval ambush

o Keyhole — British commando raid

o Purple Warrior — British training exercise incorporating lessons from the Falklands War

o Sutton — British amphibious landings



* Constable (1997) — Canada's contribution to the United Nations Mission in Haiti


Humanitarian Operations

* Central (1998) — Canada's assistance to Central America after the devastation of Hurricane Mitch

* Assistance (1997) — Canadian assistance to Manitoba after major flooding.

* Peregrine — British Columbia forest fire fighting assitance by soldiers

* Persistence (1998) — Canadian operation at Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia to recover bodies after crash of SwissAir Flight 111

* Recuperation (1998) — Canadian assistance after major snowstorms in eastern Canada

* Torrent (1999) — Canadian assistance after earthquake in Turkey

* Toucan — Canada's contribution to the United Nations' International Force in East Timor (INTERFET) and the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET)

* Lichi (2000) — South African rescue operations in Mozambique after major flooding due to Cyclone Eline

* 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake

o Australia

+ Tsunami Assist

o India

+ Sea Wave Which included:

# Mother (mainland relief)

# Mandat (Andaman and Nicobar Islands)

# Rainbow (Sri Lanka)

# Castor (Maldives)

# Ghambir (Indonesia)

* Dorca French assistance in Darfur in 2004

* Unison Canadian response to Hurricane Katrina

* Yellow Ribbon is the operation of Transport Canada to handle the diversion of civilian airline flights following the September 11, 2001 attacks.



* Provide Comfort (1991) — security and humanitarian aid to Kurds in northern Iraq

o Airone (1991) — Italian codename for Operation Provide Comfort

* Bramble Bush (1992) — Israeli plan to kill Saddam Hussein


Persian Gulf War

* Desert Shield (1990) — American buildup prior to Gulf War

o Granby — British codename for operations during Gulf War

* Desert Storm (1991) — Gulf War

* Ace Guard (1991) — The (NATO) Allied Command Europe Mobile Force for Turkey South Border Reinforcement (based at Diyarbakir AFB)

o Tempesta nel Deserto — Italian codename for operation during Gulf War

o Desert Saber — Gulf War ground campaign

* Determination (early 1998) — Canadian deployment in the Persian Gulf to force Iraq to comply with United Nations inspection agreements

* Northern Watch (1990s) — northern No-Fly Zone over Iraq

* Record (1991) — Canadian mission to secure Iraqi-Kuwaiti border

* Southern Watch (1990s) — southern No-Fly Zone over Iraq


Second Invasion of Iraq

* Iraqi Freedom (2003-04) — U.S. invasion/occupation of Iraq

o Abilene — (2003)

o All American Tiger — (2003)

o Aloha — (2004) American anti-insurgent sweep in Kirkuk.

o Antica Babilonia — (2003-2005) Italian peace keeping mission in Nasiriyah

o Baton Rouge — (2004)

o Bayonet Lightning — (2003)

o Boothill — (2003)

o Black Typhoon — (2004)

o Blue Tiger — (2004)

o Bulldog — (2004)

o Bulldog Mammoth — (2003) American search of an apartment complex.

o Cajun Mousetrap II — (2004)

o Cajun Mousetrap III — (2004)

o Centaur Rodeo — (2004)

o Centaur Strike II — (2004)

o Centaur Strike III — (2004)

o Chamberlain — (2003) Border security operation.

o Choke Hold — (2003)

o Clean Sweep — (2004)

o Clear Area — (2003)

o Cobra Sweep — (2004)

o Danger Fortitude — (2004)

o Desert Scorpion (1998) — American contingency deployment.

o Desert Scorpion (2003) — American raid to capture Ba'athists. (included a number of lesser operations such as Scorpion Sting, Spartan Scorpion and Rifles Scorpion.)

o Devil Clinch — (2004)

o Devil Siphon — (2003)

o Devil Thrust — (2004)

o Disarm — (2004)

o Dragon Victory — (2004)

o Duke Fortitude — (2004)

o Eagle Curtain — (2003)

o Eagle Liberty 3 — (2004)

o Final Cut — (2004)

o Gimlet Victory — (2004)

o Giulani — (2004)

o Grizzly Forced Entry — (2004)

o Haifa Street — (2004)

o Hurricane — (2004)

o Hurricane II — (2004)

o Industrial Sweep — (2003) Operation in Samarra.

o Iron Bullet — (2003)

o Iron Fist II — (2004)

+ Iron Force — (2003)

o Iron Fury — (2004)

o Iron Fury II — (2004)

o Iron Grip — (2003)

o Iron Hammer — U.S. forces in Iraq "ferreting out" the opposition.

o Iron Justice — (2003)

o Iron Promise — (2004)

o Iron Resolve — (2004)

o Iron Saber — (2004)

o Ivy Blizzard — counter-insurgency sweep by US forces

+ Arrowhead Blizzard — (2003)

o Ivy Cyclone — (2003)

o Ivy Cyclone II — American operation near Tikrit.

o Ivy Lightning — (2003)

o Ivy Needle — (2003)

o Ivy Serpent — (2003)

o Lancer Fury — (2004)

o Lancer Lightning — (2004)

o Lightning — (2005)

o Longhorn — (2004)

o Longstreet — (2003)

o Mandarin Squeeze — (2004)

o Market Sweep — (2004)

o Matador — (2005)

o Mayfield III — (2004)

o Mutual Security — (2004)

o New Market — (2005)

o O.K. Coral — (2003)

o Outlaw Destroyer — (2004)

o Panther Squeeze — (2003) Series of raids in Latifiya.

o Peninsula Strike (2003) — American raid to capture Ba'athists.

o Phantom Fury (2004) — Joint American/Iraqi assault on Fallujah.

o Phantom Linebacker — Security Operations along the Syrian border.

o Planet X (2003) — American raid to capture Ba'athists.

o Plymouth Rock (2004) Sweep south of Baghdad.

o Quarterhorse Rides — (2004)

o Operation Rapier Thrust — (2004)

o Operation Red Dawn (2003) — American capture of Saddam Hussein.

o Resolute Sword — (2004)

o Rifles Fury — (2003)

o Rifles Blitz — border security operations in Iraq.

o Rifles Sweep — (2003)

o Ripper Sweep — (2004)

o Rocketman — (2004)

o Rocketman III — (2004)

o Rock Slide — (2004)

o Saber Turner II — (2004)

o Operation Salm — (2003)

o Operation Saloon — (2004)

o Shillelagh — (2004)

o Showdown — (2004)

o Sidewinder (2003) —

o Slim Shady — (2004)

o Silverado — (2003)

o Soda Mountain — (2003)

o Spear — (2005)

o Spring Cleanup — (2004)

o Squeeze Play — (2005)

o Steel Curtain — (2005)

o Stiker Hurricane — (2004)

o Striker Tornado — (2004)

o Suicide Kings — (2004)

o Sweeny — (2003) Anti-smuggling operation by the Marines.

o Telic — codename for British operations

o Tiger Clean Sweep — (2003)

o Tiger Fury — (2004)

o Tomahawk — (2004)

o Tombstone Piledriver — (2004)

o Trailblazer — (2004)

o True Grit — (2004)

o Operation Tyr — (2003)

o Vigilant Resolve (2004) — First American attempt to capture Fallujah.

o Warhorse Whirlwind — (2003)

o Warrior — (2004)

o Warrior Resolve — (2004)

o Wolfpack Crunch — (2004)

o Wolverine — (2004)

o Yellow Stone — (2004)



* Active Endeavour NATO forces in the Mediterranean.

* Artisan — Canadian Forces contribution to the Rinas Airfield Rehabilitation Project in Tirana, Albania

* Chaperon — Canada's contribution to the United Nations of one military observer (UNMO)

* Eclipse — deployment of Canadian soldiers to east Africa in support of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)

* Flavius (1988) — SAS action against the IRA in Gibraltar

* Fusion — Canada's combined contribution to Allied Harmony and Concordia

* Garden Plot — US Army plan for assistance to civil authorities.

* Power Geyser (2005) — Military security support to the 2005 Presidential inauguration.

* Prudence — Canada's participation in the Mission des Nations Unies dans la République Centrafricaine (MINURCA)

* Support (Sept. 11-14, 2001) — Canadian Forces operations after terrorist September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

* Unified Spirite — large NATO exercise held every two years to train the armed forces of member nations in joint and combined operations.

* Operation Vijay (1999) — Indian operations against Pakistan.

* Yellow Ribbon (2001) — Transport Canada's operations after terrorist September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.